The 2024 MSE Career Fair. 

The School of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) is one of the largest and most diverse materials programs in the country. This career fair provides access to some of the country’s best materials science and materials engineering students. Companies looking to hire co-ops, internships, and full-time materials scientists or materials engineers are encouraged to attend. This event is being held on the Georgia Tech campus. 

Registration Cost:  $500

Please note that this is not a general engineering career fair. Students attending this fair study materials science and materials engineering.

Career Fair Package – $500 includes:

  • Opportunity to network with some of the nation’s best MSE students
  • Listing on the following web-pages: MSE Career Fair, Georgia Tech Career Center, and Alumni pages.
  • On-line limited access to MSE student resume database.

More details to follow. Please contact for immediate questions.

Recruiter/Industry registration is now open. Register HERE